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Website Thoughts

The Importance of Website Monitoring

January 29 2016 , Written by Bellamy Published on #website, #website monitoring, #monitoring, #performance

Website monitoring is important so that companies ensure their website is always accessible by clients. There is nothing worse than losing a customer, because the company’s website was down. Most costumers will not report this, and will move on to a competitor and do their business with them. If a business is using a third-party website hosting, most hosting sites will advertise their uptime. Most web hosting sites strive for 99.9% uptime, which translates to 520 minutes of downtime a year, which is a very respectable amount of time.

Some causes of downtime are through malicious attacks, power surges, or accidents. If the power goes down to a server, that can cause a website to go down. Server monitoring is just as important as website monitoring. Sometimes a server can show telltale signs that it may go down soon, so regular maintenance is necessary.

The most common protocols for website monitoring are to send page requests at intervals between one time per hour or one time per minute. Some of the more advanced website monitoring services can check website compatibility with specific browsers, such as Safari or Chrome.

Not only is it important for businesses to ensure their website monitoring service is top-notch, they must also be notified when their website is down or showing incompatibility with certain browsers. Many website monitoring services can notify the department in charge of a company’s website through SMS, phone calls, etc. (you can read more about that on this page).

Ensuring a website is up at all times is very important and it's also important to have high quality web hosting that is fast and responsive (check out Web Hosting Professor for more on this). Businesses need to ensure their clients are always able to access the company's website, so that they will not move on to a competitor. A key step in ensuring steady uptime for websites is frequent page requests that check for website availability and browser compatibility. In the event a company's website goes down, their web hosting service should notify them and give them update on how they are resolving the issue. If web hosting is done in house, the department head should be notified and immediately take the necessary steps to get the website back up and running.

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